1st cycle (1994 - 1999) orthophoto maps

For the aerial photography areas of 1994 - 1995, the orthophoto was made in Sweden by Swedesurvey Oy".

In 1995, aerial photography of the city and district of Daugavpils was carried out in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Agriculture, aerial photography was carried out by the company "Kampsax-Geoplan", and orthophoto maps were produced by the State Land Service (VZD).

1997 - 1999 processing of aerial photography scenes and production of orthophotos was carried out in Latvia, VZD.

Aerial photography was done with analog cameras, obtaining black-and-white aerial scenes M 1:30 000.

Prepared black-and-white orthophoto maps with a resolution of 1 m.

The file capacity of one page of a digital standard orthophoto map is 25 MB.

2000-2001 IKONOSS satellite images were purchased for the eastern border of Latvia.