Latvian-Lithuanian border map M 1:10 000

Compiled in the period from 1999 - 2000.

The border line, border marks and the main elements of the local situation are depicted with symbols (in a 1 km wide zone on both sides of the border line).

The map consists of 110 map sheets.

Data format - DGN.

Orthophoto map made using 1995 - 1997 aerial photography materials.

Transverse Mercator (TM) projection.

GRS-80 ellipsoid.

Axis meridian 24°.

The map sheet covers an area of 5x5 km, its inner frame measures 50x50.

On all pages of the map, grids of rectangular coordinates (km) with associated numerical values in two coordinate systems: LKS-92 (Latvian coordinate system) and LKS-94 (Lithuanian coordinate system).

The network lines of each system are drawn every 10 cm (1 km in the area).