Latvia - Belarus border map M 1:10 000

Compiled in the period from 2006 to 2008.

The map shows the border line, border signs and elements of the area's situation (in a 1 km wide area on both sides of the border line) with symbols, which are displayed according to the classification drawn up on the map;

The map consists of 40 map pages.

Data is available in SHP, DXF, AI and EPS formats.

The map was made using 2006 aerial photography materials.

It is in the equiangular cross-cylindrical Gauss–Krüger projection.

Krasovsky ellipsoid.

On all pages of the map, right angle coordinate (km) grids with associated numerical values in two coordinate systems - 1942 coordinate system and LKS-92 (Latvian coordinate system).

The network lines of each system are drawn every 10 cm (1 km in the area).